Paris Noir
A new event - Paris Noir: Festival Europeen du Roman et du Film Noir - is taking place at the Maison des Métallos this weekend, celebrating the world of crime in fiction and film. Despite being a 'European' festival (with the invited country of honour being Greece) all events are seemingly in French, including a conference on 'les Américains à Paris'. Nevertheless, even for non-francophones there should be plenty to see and do, with various happenings, award ceremonies, conferences, chats with authors and illustrators, film projections, and photo exhibitions. A crime scene has also been created in front of the building which acts as the point of depart for a Maigret walk, and there is even a competition offering the chance to win a trip to Greece! Best of all, the whole event is free.
The full programme can be found here : http://www.parisnoir.fr/
La bastille ou 'l’enfer des vivants'
Starting this weekend at the 'bibliothèque de l'arsenal' (one of the three national library buildings in Paris), an exhibition on the Bastille prison, known during its existence as a 'Hell for the living'. The show features a wide selection of pieces from the archives, including models of the prison and shirts worn by prisoners, but also many written documents incluidng a letter written by a prisoner using his own blood (ink was in short supply!).
Click here for full details of the exhibition, including opening times and how to get there.
Click here for a video presentation of the exhibition.
Quand la science rencontre la fiction
Another new exhibition can be found at the Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie at La Villette, focussing this time on the links between science and science fiction. Included in the show are many of the original objects that have featured in cult SF films, and many pieces that have come from the French national library. Organised on two levels, it offers a tour through space and time, across planets and inside many different alternative societies, each time seeking out the realities of what has been previously imagined.
Full details and much more besides can be found on the excellent exhibition website.
May also be of interest - Grande braderie pour enfants
Sol en Si, an HIV/AIDS charity is marking 20 years of existence with a first charity fair of goods exclusively for children. Including clothes, toys and books donated by many leading brands, it could be an excellent opportunity to get some Christmas presents.
Until November 14th
Au Comptoir Général
80, quai de Jemmapes, 75010
Entrance : 2 euros
Thank you for the Paris Noir suggestion: I went along and really enjoyed it. (Amazingly, I even managed to do the Maigret walk without getting soaked.)
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, may all your wishes come true!
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