Outdoor cinema
The cinema en plein air at La Villette and the Cinema au clair de lune festivals both end this weekend. At La Villette you can cry during L'Enfant by the Dardennes brothers on Friday, or dance during Grease on Sunday night. If you are there on Sunday, why not also try the Boat Movie, a trip along the canal in the company of an actor who will play scenes from famous films and point out some film locations along the way?
The final films in the Clair de Lune season this weekend are Tombés du ciel at the Place des Fêtes on Friday, La vie de chateau at the Pelouse de Reuilly on Saturday, and finally La Science des rêves at Les Halles on Sunday.
Paris slide
A rather awkward use of English for an event in the Bois de Vincennes that groups together an artificial beach with skating and BMX tracks. All activities are free, and you can even borrow material ranging from bicycles to baseball bats and balls.
1pm - 7pm (ends Sunday)
Pelouse de Reuilly, M° Porte Dorée
Pelouse de Reuilly, M° Porte Dorée
Sweep me off my feet
A trip out to Vitry sur Seine might not be everyone's idea of a great weekend activity, especially one that entails both a Metro and bus journey. However, the Emporte moi/Sweep me off my feet exhibition at the Mac/Val arts centre will make you think that it was a worthwhile effort. Focussing on the eternal subject of how love is represented in art, the curators have brought together the works of around 40 artists, including Andy Warhol and Sophie Calle, to produce an amusing and original exhibition.
Full details on the exhbition and how to get to the Mac/Val can be found on the website - but beware, it's a fantastically unhelpful site!
Guingette Eiffel
If you are looking for somewhere original to eat, drink and dance this weekend, why not at the foot of the Eiffel tower? A temporary club with a 300m² terrace has been set up on the Quai alongside the Old lady, offering not only a bar and DJs, but also a restaurant. Entrance is normally 10 Euros, but is free all night if you sign up on the guest list beforehand.
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Just added this site to my new blog Posted in Paris: http://postedinparis.wordpress.com.What a great idea to create a new place for these posts.
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