A bric a brac of events this weekend, which is apt, as two of my recommendations concern outdoor markets!
L’Objet du Cœur at the Puces de Vanves
Another excuse to visit the Puces de Vanves flea market this weekend as many of the stall-holders will be displaying an ‘objet du cœur’, or something that has particular significance for them. These objects, which may be precious or modest, rare or seemingly banal, will generally not be for sale, but will instead give visitors the chance to strike up a conversation with the traders.
Puces de Vanves, M° Porte de Vanves
Saturday 16th /Sunday 17th, 7am – 5pm
Vide Grenier de la Folie Méricourt
On Sunday, a vide grenier (attic clearance sale) will be held in the Folie Méricourt district of the city, a zone between République and Bastille which is moving dynamically upwards. Although between 150-200 stalls are expected, it will also give visitors the chance to discover some of the interesting shops that have recently opened in the area. Several have promised to join in with the event including the Fargo record shop which will be selling second-hand/vintage music, clothes and books, and the Atelier Nadja Carlotti which will be handing out cake and tea to shoppers from 3pm!
Rue Folie Méricourt/Rue Ternaux, 9am – 7pm
Basing itself on the very influential South by Southwest music event in Austin, Texas, the MaMA (Marché des Musiques Actuelles) is comprised of 60 concerts in 18 different venues over 48 hours! As this is France, it will also include conferences and debates, but the principal goal is to help the French artists featured (most of whom sing in English) to sell as widely as possible. To this end, several of the concerts are reserved for music professionals only, but the spirit of the event should spill out into the surrounding bars.
Full details: http://www.mama-event.com/
La BnF à l'heure anglaise
A very British weekend at the Bibliothèque nationale du France, where readings, projections and discussions will all be centred on British culture. Organised in association with Shakespeare and Co and Thé des écrivains, the event will feature literature – naturally – but also music, television, theatre and football!
Full details of the event can be found here.
Finally, this is the last weekend to see one of the strangest exhibitions in Paris at the moment. To celebrate its 40th anniversary, the SIIAP water sanitisation company has organised a photo exhibition on the theme of toilets around the world. Held outside on the Boulevard de la Bastille, the event features 46 large-scale photos of toilets from 31 different countries.
More details: http://www.siaap.fr/expo-chiottissime/
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